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45 years old P3L3 female, agricultural labourer by occupation, came to the casuality with C/O generalised weakness since 2 days

45 years old P3L3 female, agricultural labourer by occupation, came to the casuality with C/O generalised weakness since 2 days. H/O vomitings and loose stools 2 days back. HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back and then had H/O Neck pain and backache - dragging type of pain, not associated with any numbness, tingling sensation of upper and lower limbs. Patient started taking NSAID daily once for pain for 1 month, then she visited orthopaedician and advised her to get MRI: L-Spine and after that she was advised for surgery. Patient had difficulty in passing stools (constipation) since 1 month for which the patient went to the nearby doctor 2 days back. She was put on Syp. Lactulose and after 1 day, the patient had 5 episodes of watery stools for 1 day, 2 episodes of vomitings for 1 day which subsided now. Generalised weakness present since 2 days. PAST HISTORY: Not a K/C/O DM/HTN/BA/TB/Epilepsy/Thyroid disorders/CAD/CVA Patient underwent ECSL for Right Renal stones (ECSL

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